A handful of you have asked me about my three words for the new year. Years ago, when I read about this idea on some guy's blog, I became intrigued and motivated to do this kind of high-arching goal-setting exercise. Rather than write down a list of specific goals and resolutions each year, which quickly annoy the heck out of me, I instead contemplate the stage of life I am in and create a framework of words that become a filter for my choices. I post them around the house so they stay on my mind. Admittedly, after a few months, they blend into the scenery, but every now and then, they jump out at me and remind me to ask...how's it going?
These are the three words that have bubbled to the top of my thoughts over the last few weeks: LIFT, PRAY, NOURISH. (Kind of like Eat, Pray, Love, but hopefully not so self-serving as Ms. Gilbert's approach.)
I'm not sure why LIFT is my word of choice, but it seems to encompass two personal values...physical strength and serving others. I want to be able to lift heavy things, from furniture and dumbbells to medicine balls and toddlers running around church. I want to push myself in the area of weight training at the gym. My husband loves when I buff up and frankly, I've gotten a little soft over the last few years.
I also want to LIFT the burdens of others when I can, using my gifts and resources and heart. This is all about noticing needs, listening to God, and responding to that holy nudge. It can hurt and be messy. It can mean sacrifice and expense. But it is a charge from God himself. So I pray this song: "Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for thee," powerful words from one of my favorite hymns.
PRAY is simple and direct, but it is oh so hard for me. I think on God a lot, but the talking/listening part gets pushed aside, and I always feel the void in my spirit. So I came up with an idea...nothing novel, just new to me. I am keeping a prayer journal and spending each day of the week praying for important people and issues in my life. Each person in my immediate family has a day dedicated to him or her. Friends and extended family have a day. I have a day to pray for personal needs. And the world in general has a day. As soon as I sit down with my coffee and Happy Light, I open my journal for focused prayer. Then I read scripture from the online Revised Common Lectionary and meditate awhile on it.
NOURISH is a word that sings in my ear. It's about feeding myself and family nutritious foods and pouring love and grace into my relationships. To me, this word is a pearl among all healthy living and psychology terminology.
So there you go and here I go. Welcome, sweet new year of opportunities to grow and do better.