Monday, May 9, 2011

Drawn North

It is the madness of great love to see God in everything.  -Julian of Norwich

I grew up aching to see God.  A little girl with a compass longing to find true north.  Instead, it bobbed randomly, as if edging near iron-ore.  I would become the Creative Girl.  The Student Leader.  The Girlfriend.  The Musician.  Privately, I would satisfy my longings with food and inappropriate relationships.  I would lie and swear and dabble in mischief. 

But when God bolted through space to sidle up next to me on a sunny college campus day, to draw close and whisper in my ear, "Do you know Who you are rejecting," my compass started spinning dramatically until it pulled in tight and tighter and tighter still to N.  Finally, the madness stopped.  And the new madness began.  The madness of great love. 

I saw a sunrise and said "God creates."
I watched a lame man drag his foot across campus and said "God loves." 
I looked closely at the layers of rock in Archeology lab and said "God designs." 
I looked in a mirror at every flaw and said "God heals."
Everywhere I looked was "crammed with God." 
And still is.

God:  "I will astound them with wonder upon wonder."  -Isaiah 29:14

God is the center of everywhere and the circumference of nowhere.