In the distance, I detect a little dot of a canoe where father and daughter are learning to synchronize paddle strokes. They rose before dawn to share this moment; a curly-haired girl tiptoeing around the cabin with anticipation and a devoted dad stumbling over duffel bags in the dark.
I can see through binoculars that she is more interested in gazing at gathering storm sky and rippling water than paddling. Her daddy is steadily stroking his princess toward shore as her oar balances on her little knee. That is, until the streak of lightening and sharp thunder clap disturbs her revelry. At once, her paddling accelerates and that blue canoe nearly lifts out of the water cartoon-style, barreling toward the beach.
Cold plops of rain drop in my coffee as I move to shelter. The sky flashes and grumbles. The two finally slide smooth onto the sand, shore up the canoe, and race toward me, wet hair plastered down like a swim cap. Nature Girl runs, dances fairy-style toward the family camp gathering hall and Soaked Adoring Father hoofs it across the beach, grinning, catching my eye.
And this will be another summer moment to memorize. Electrified canoeing. Father and Daughter wrapped in towels, drinking hot chocolate, with a story to tell.
Here are some more pictures from our annual trip to Bluewater Covenant Family Camp...
Dave took Noah on a 5-mile storm-free canoe trip the next morning.
It was a lovely weekend, wasn't it??! Charming post. :-)